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Che: The Argentine  

Posted by Jebat Blogger in

The Argentine, begins as Che and a band of Cuban exiles (led by Fidel Castro) reach the Cuban shore from Mexico in 1956. Within two years, they mobilized popular support and an army and toppled the U.S.-friendly regime of dictator Fulgencio Batista

Yeah, i know this is not a scene release, but ive been waiting for this movie for quite a while now so thought i would post it Che was screened in May 2008 at the Cannes Film Festival where is received some very good reviews with Benicio Del Toro also winning the best actor award. This movie has been split into “Part One� and “Part Two� by the production company as when it was shown at the Cannes Film Festival is was over four hours long, so they decided to split it into two separate parts. This is also hardcoded with english subs, enjoy!

On November 26, 1956, Fidel Castro sails to Cuba with eighty rebels. One of those rebels is Ernesto “Che� Guevara, an Argentine doctor who shares a common goal with Fidel Castro - to overthrow the corrupt dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista.

Che proves indispensable as a fighter, and quickly grasps the art of guerrilla warfare. As he throws himself into the struggle, Che is embraced by his comrades and the Cuban people. This film tracks Che’s rise in the Cuban Revolution, from doctor to commander to revolutionary hero.

pass: areg


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